Skyrocket your
Win Rate!

Your own AI-assistant is here.
It will interview your customers all by itself after every won- and lost deal.

Actual conversations.

To get to the heart of the matter.

Non-biased data

Gathered and analyzed by your AI

Up-to-date dashboard

For decisions and sharing anytime

Create your free account here

Finally, data!

Go from occasional pieces of information to data-driven insights. Our platform provides actionable data for informed decision-making. Drive your win rate improvement. Make decisions with confidence and precision.


Effortlessly analyze won and lost deals with our application. Just enter the customer details and the AI does the rest. It engages your clients directly, eliminating the need to push your team for follow-ups. Gain valuable insights without the hassle.


Receive unbiased data with AI-driven client interviews. Our AI asks open-ended questions without judgment, uncovering genuine client perspectives. It seeks the truth and reports it in full, ensuring you get honest insights without any bias.
Video Aspect Ratio: 9:4

I will tell you exactly why you win or loose deals.

Try my conversation skills

As your AI, I will tell you exactly how to win more deals by talking to your customers after every won and lost deal! 

See for yourself what I will ask your customers after a lost deal. Click below to try me!

I will talk to your clients as your company's AI.

Try 30 days for free. See what your customers have to say about your proposals.

Even a single lost deal analysis will teach you so much, imagine if you are doing this without effort after every deal.